What's the matter?
I was listening to a recent "In our time" broadcast about anti-matter, and the current thinking about the universe. It seems that anti-matter and matter have this constant battle going, and they exterminate each other, converting to energy. This energy then converts to matter / anti-matter, and the cycle begins again...
..except for one difference. The matter, it seems, is quicker on the draw, and slightly (1 in about 10000000000 times) outguns the anti-matter. This means that there is a little bit of matter "left over" - the walking wounded, so to speak..
And that, aparently, is what all the matter in the universe is - the residue of a monumental war.
So if you were struggling with how insignificant you feel in the scale of the universe, its nothing compared to how all the matter in the whole universe feels - like the scraped-in-the-bin left-overs of a huge Christmas dinner - cold gravy, half-chewed brussle-sprout remains with not even a hint of cranberry sauce...
..except for one difference. The matter, it seems, is quicker on the draw, and slightly (1 in about 10000000000 times) outguns the anti-matter. This means that there is a little bit of matter "left over" - the walking wounded, so to speak..
And that, aparently, is what all the matter in the universe is - the residue of a monumental war.
So if you were struggling with how insignificant you feel in the scale of the universe, its nothing compared to how all the matter in the whole universe feels - like the scraped-in-the-bin left-overs of a huge Christmas dinner - cold gravy, half-chewed brussle-sprout remains with not even a hint of cranberry sauce...