Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sieze the moment

I've been reading a great book "12 simple secrets of happiness at work", and its got some great encouraging phrases throughout.

One tickled me this morning, though, and I thought I'd share it with you.

The author, Glenn Van Ekeren, is encouraging us to live in the moment. He says:

"If you let yourself be absorbed completely, if you surrender to the moments as they pass, you live more richly in those moments".

He goes on - "Some people are always preparing to live. Someday their job will be better. Someday they will have time for those they love. Someday may never come."

And then the bit that tickled me:

"Life isn't a dress rehersal for the main event. You are living the main event. Live every minute of every day to the fullest.
Seize the moment - Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the desert cart...."

I hope this encourages you in your daily "stuff".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Words to live by. Another incarnation might be, "Never be too 'on task' to stop and smell the roses. At the end of the [day, year, job, ... your life] the roses you've smelled along the way (i.e., the people you met along the way and the things you did) may be the most satisfying part of the trip."

Great blog,

4:27 AM  

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